Home With Stefani

Nursery Reveal for Our Rainbow Baby

TW: Early pregnancy loss

This nursery makeover has been a dream come true. I find so much joy in all my room makeover projects but this one will always hold a special place in my heart. I’ve been pinning inspiration to my Pinterest board for the past couple of years, dreaming about the day we get to bring our greatest blessing home to a beautiful nursery.

While I am overjoyed and excited to share this content with you, I also share it with a heavy heart as I know many women out there struggle with infertility/loss. Devin and I experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage ourselves a few years ago. It took us some time and healing before wanting to try to grow our family again and seeing baby/nursery content during that time was a painful, constant reminder. At almost 39 weeks pregnant though, I feel excited and grateful beyond measure for our rainbow baby, set to arrive any day now. I trusted in God’s plan for our family and now I celebrate every day closer to our due date. Even if those days are full of nausea, aches, pains, and sleepless nights – it’s all proof of the miracle that’s growing inside. If you’re a hopeful mama, or struggling with any type of loss, I pray that you keep a positive outlook and that you are blessed with your rainbow baby one day too.

If you’re currently pregnant, trying, or hopeful about starting a family, I hope this gives you some inspiration for your nursery project! I also have a few words of encouragement to share. It’s easy to get caught up in all the social media hype surrounding what the perfect pregnancy looks like. There’s pressure to have a picture-perfect nursery, a fancy baby shower, all the professional photos, grand announcements on social media, name-brand baby things, etc… It gets to be SO overwhelming and to be honest, that stress and pressure is one of the things that held me back from wanting to start a family earlier. But the truth is, beyond the basic necessities all your baby needs is you – the rest is just a cherry on top.

I’m grateful for my job as a full-time DIY content creator. If I were to work a typical 9-5 there’s no way I could’ve finished this nursery in time. Fortunately, I was able to work on the nursery full time, I have a supportive husband who helped out when he could, and I was able to work with a few incredible sponsors to ease the financial burden. If you’re looking at this content or seeing other picture-perfect nurseries and feeling down – give yourself grace and don’t be afraid to call on family and friends for reinforcements.

Thank you all for your support and excitement for this new exciting chapter in our lives. We cannot wait to welcome Baby Terry to the world and I’m excited to introduce him or her to all their internet aunties and uncles 🫶🏼🌈👶🏼

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